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来源:http://www.jnjhhg.cn/ 日期:2022-01-10 发布人: 浏览次数:0
Maleic anhydride is a colorless or white solid in pure state and has an unpleasant smell. It also has two kinds of chemical energy groups, which makes it very useful in chemical synthesis and other applications.
In the past, factories were prepared by oxidation of benzene or other aromatic compounds. However, as the price of some materials rises, the factory will use n-butane as raw material. Benzene and butane are fed into the hot gas stream and pass through the catalyst bed at high temperature. The staff will then control the air and hydrocarbons to reduce the possibility of fire in the mixture. Secondly, the product will be discharged through the discharge port.
At the same time, it has two kinds of chemical energy groups, so it has been widely used in chemical synthesis and other applications. In addition, it is widely used in the synthesis of surfactants, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides.
At present, the production process of maleic anhydride in industry can be divided into benzene oxidation process, n-butane oxidation process, C4 olefin process and phthalic anhydride by-product process according to raw materials.
以前,苯氧化法应用为广泛,但由于苯资源有限,C4烯烃和正丁烷为原料生产顺酐的技术应运而生,尤其是富产天然气和油田伴生气的,拥有大量的正丁烷资源,因此近年来正丁烷氧化法生产顺酐的技术发展迅速,已经在顺酐生产中占主导地位。C4烯烃氧化法因副产物较多已被淘汰,而苯酐副产法顺酐产量有限。摘自六鉴投资网《顺酐技术与市场调研报告》《 顺酐投资分析报告》《10万吨/年顺酐项目投资建议书》
In the past, benzene oxidation method was widely used, but due to the limited benzene resources, the technology of producing maleic anhydride from C4 olefins and n-butane came into being, especially the countries rich in natural gas and oilfield associated gas have a large number of n-butane resources. Therefore, the technology of producing maleic anhydride by n-butane oxidation method has developed rapidly in recent years and has occupied a dominant position in maleic anhydride production. C4 olefin oxidation process has been eliminated due to many by-products, while maleic anhydride, a by-product of phthalic anhydride, has limited output. Excerpt from maleic anhydride technology and Market Research Report, maleic anhydride investment analysis report and investment proposal for 100000 t / a maleic anhydride project of Liujian Investment Network
Benzene oxidation process and n-butane process are widely used in maleic anhydride production in various countries. Benzene oxidation is mainly used in China. After years of development and application, the process is relatively mature. At the same time, it has the characteristics of simple process, easy operation, low investment and high yield.
About 50% of the cost of maleic anhydride is the cost of raw materials. The industrialized maleic anhydride production technology is to determine the process conditions by controlling the large yield.
Compared with the traditional benzene process, n-butane oxidation process has the advantages of low raw material price and less pollution.
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